CARL Director named Anti-Racism Fellow

As a part of the U-M Anti-Racism Collaborative, a a strategic space for U-M community engagement on research and scholarship on anti-racism, has named Dr. Charles H.F. Davis III a 2022 Research and Community Impact Fellow along with four other U-M faculty.


“This exceptional group of scholars are recognized for their innovative scholarship, along with innovative approaches, skills and competencies for meaningfully partnering with communities throughout the research cycle to make impacts towards more equitable communities and society,” said Tabbye Chavous, director of the National Center for Institutional Diversity.

ARC Fellows will be in conversation together in an event with Provost Collins on Tuesday, January 25 from 3-4:30 p.m., entitled, “Anti-racist and community-centered research approaches for a more just and equitable society.”Dr. Davis’ fellowship will focus on race-conscious understandings of safety and security and abolitionist organizing through his #PoliceFreeCampus research project.

HF Davis

Chasing unicorns in fabricated dreams; For that which appears is not always what it seems.

CARL Associates Receive Anti-Racism Grants


CARL Research Associates Awarded Anti-Racism Research Mini-Grant